Top Dos and Don’ts in Customer Service Phrases to Improve Relationship with Customers

Words can move mountain. Properly used words can drive one to the ninth cloud but at the same time can shove them off to hell. In customer service, using words to win over customers is very important. However, communication is not always easy. Do you need to be a master of human communication to have a good conversation or good interaction with your customers?

Well, you don’t really need to be so.

Here are the top dos and don’ts in customer service phrases that can help your customer service staff build and improve relationship with customers.

1. The “Do” in customer service phrases

a. Show that you’re happy to help


Thorough the conversation with customers, let them know why you’re here and you’re always ready to lend them your hand whenever they need.

First, ask about their problem. Use phrases like “How are you? What may I help you with?” at the initial step and then in the end, “Is there anything else I can do for you? Feel free to let me know – I’m happy to help”.

You need to close a conversation without making it so blunt and making customers feel like you’re in a hurry to push them out of the door. Phrases like “Are you done yet?” is extremely disrespectful. The responsibility of a support rep is not only solving customer’s problem but also encouraging them that you’re always willing to help them with any lingering questions whenever they ask you to.

b. Show that you’re a listener


A good listener as a support rep knows how to read customer’s mood, analyze their problem and be able to relate with how their customers would feel. So, telling your customers “I understand how upsetting this problem might be for you” would be a good heal to help customer feel better while waiting for you to kill their trouble.

Saying “That sucks. It looks bad for you, doesn’t it?” deserves boos and hisses. It’s a big turn off for customers to be related in such intolerant and insensitive way.

How about dealing with complaints about your product or its features? Of course answering “Our product is capable of doing this and that. The problem may be caused by an external reason” is stupid. Show how you are kindly asking for feedback with “May I ask what problem you’re exactly having with the product” so your customers will see you are their real listener seeking for the better, not blaming.

c. Show that you’re capable of resolving their problem


Your job is to assist people who haven’t and already bought from your company. So don’t ever ask them to solve the problem themselves. That’s why telling customers “Could you please provide me with…” is way better than “You need to…”. Don’t make them feel like they’ll have to do the work to get things solved.

On the other hand, there are times that you actually can’t meet an unfeasible demand of your customers. And the only way is to refuse them. But how can you saying “no” without hurting their pride and expectation in your company?

Keep using words that show how you would want to help but unfortunately it’s not possible, like “as much as I’d love to help you, your request is beyond what we’re able to do for our customers”. It’s okay to turn down a request, but do it nicely.

2. The “Don’t”


a. Don’t talk about the negative

When you support customers, throw away all the “but”, “no”, “I’m afraid that”, etc. These negative expressions only show how uncommitted you are to customer’s problem.

If it’s actually something you can’t do, then stay positive with a “Let me see if there’s another way to make it work for you”. Don’t use “but” when answering a request from customer too. No matter how nice the previous words are, people will only remember things said after “but”. Try using “however” or find another way to assist customers.

b. Don’t order them around

A smart support agent won’t act superior to his customers. Actually, when he needs customers to do anything, he makes it very easy and acceptable for customers to follow his instruction.


He will give out “order” like a small advice with “I would suggest you to…” or “All you need to do is just…” and “The simplest way to do this is to…”. Knowing they’re not being patronized but helped out, customers will do things as you ask them to, even with a smile on their face.

c. Don’t talk too informal

You surely know about adding personalization and acting friendly with customers when supporting them, right? However, there’s a thin line between being naturally friendly and disrespecting toward customers.

It starts from the greetings. Say “Hello Dave, how can I help you?” is friendly enough. Don’t be too informal to use “Hey there” or “Hello baby”, “Howdy sweetie” as a greeting – it’s too much! Plus, using slang and acronyms like “BTW” or “Oh-em-gee” would make you look not serious when solving customer’s problem.

Similarly, overly friendly conversation is not feasible in many cases. For instance, imagine you’re having a request from a very upsetting customer and they have smoke come out of their head. Then you try to be cool with a “Hey baby what’s wrong?” then you’ll piss them off even more. Being close to customers doesn’t mean you can always chat with them in a relaxed way. Read the situation and how customers reply you to adjust the words you should be using.

d. Talk from the heart

Customers know it when you’re truly trying to help them and save them out of the blue. You don’t have to be a poet or a writer to play with words when talking with customers. Just use the right words, your professionalism, kindness as well as respect will eventually be shown. In many cases, this helps reduce frustration or anger your customers might have when contacting customer service agents.

Did I miss any important tips here? Help me extend this list with your own favorite ways to talk with customers! And why not share this article around if it’s useful for you? We have social share buttons right there for you.

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