5 Secret Ways to Engage Visitors Online

2246You are running online business and always badly desire to find out the answer for question: How to engage more and more customers? I’m really excited to share with you some creative ways. Hope it works for your business :)


As you know, social media is predicted the future of customer relationships. It’s where your customers are gathering, connecting with company and with each other. Social media has become a dominant force in consumer culture and is being exploited successfully by some of the world’s leading businesses. The world’s top brands are using social media as a meaningful way of deepening relationships with their customers. Why don’t you?

I can name here some of the best social media sites for your business: Linkedin.com; Facebook.com; Twitter.com; Youtube.com; Google Plus; Pinterest.com; Focus.com…


Provide customers with lessons, workshop or low-cost/no-cost tools which are useful for them. If you want to go the extra mile, record the sessions and add them to your website so visitors can learn and differentiates your business.

Remember, since customer engagement is all about connecting and informing, be sure your workshops teach new skills and/or provide valuable tips.

When you add this element to your marketing mix, you’ll discover the questions sparked during the sessions are great fodder for future workshops, blog entries and newsletter content.


Live chat is a very useful customer service tool. It allows potential clients to talk with a representative in real time and clear up and confusion that they may have. Not only that, but live chat can help to increase conversions among those confused customers.

But, just having live chat available is not enough to engage site viewers. Those that are administering chat assistance have to be able to provide the customer with the information that they are looking for. If not, customers will become frustrated or annoyed which can detract from their engagement.

Show off the personality of your brand via chat. Customers are more likely to be engaged through chat if they feel like they are talking to a real person on the other end. This will definitely set your company apart from those that offer very generic, somewhat robotic support agents.

Not only is it useful for engagement, but with live chat you can gain an in-depth the common questions, concerns, and complaints that you are seeing from your customers. This is important because you receive hand feedback on the improvements that are necessary for your success.


Customer engagement through visualization can consist of images, graphs, reports, trends, and maps that provide an image-based walk-through of a particular process that relates to your business.

Once companies have reviewed and analyzed metrics, numbers, data, and statistics, they can convey the overarching findings to customers in a form that is easily digestible and growing in importance as information increasingly goes digital.


proIdentify small groups within your VIP customer set and send them a personalized email invitation to participate in a focus group/feedback session.

Be sure you provide a compelling incentive for their participation and let them know their honest insights are valuable, welcome and encouraged because you’re striving to improve their experience with your business.

Promotion creates great excitement on your customers. Provided your customers are happy and you have provided the best service you can, customers are often happy to recommend people to people. How could you make this process easier or more fun for them?

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